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Sitecore 5.1 Level 1 - Site Construction

Select the link below to download the training materials associated with the Level 1 - Site Construction course.

We recommend that students attending Sitecore Certified Developer training review the materials before-hand as preparation.  As attendees discover, we cover a lot of ground!  Reviewing the materials will help you to understand the general concepts and better prepare you to take advantage of the certified Sitecore instructor who will lead you through the process of understanding and developing with Sitecore.

The zip file includes the following files:

To use the training materials, please follow these steps:

  1. Download and unpack the zip file.
  2. Download and install Sitecore.  Appendix A of the Lab Notes include instructions for how to install Sitecore for use with the training materials (a full production ready installation is not required).  
  3. Review the Description and Agenda document.
  4. Open the PowerPoint presentation and use the Slide Show feature to begin walking through the slides (be sure to use the Slide Show feature rather than scrolling through the slides, as some of the slides include animation and are best understood in Slide Show mode).
  5. When the slides indicate a LAB, complete the corresponding exercises in the Lab Notes document.